Have you ever felt as if you have been here before? Not just déjà vu, but something stronger?

How many voices do we find in our heads when totally honest? There is the angry “us” that lashes, digs and tears. The side that laughs (hopefully) and is let out to play, at least on occasion. There is the “us” that we allow to become forlorn and destructive; the rambunctious one that needs constant monitoring. We could go on listing them, could we not? And these are just the ones that we admit to or are aware of.
Should we dare to venture into how “real” these voices are without threat of a schizophrenic report? Would that be insane? What if there are more “aspects”? Yes, let’s call them that and liken ourselves to the diamond just waiting for the light to hit all the right angles, and that as communicative. What if we serve a Creator that wastes nothing and has a purpose in everything? Check. What if energy was never destroyed but just changed form? Also check. What if we held a reflective posture long enough to become aware of this “more” that awaits inside? Selah and Check mate.
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